Just having some fun today.......
If I were friends with a group of women in Hollywood, these ladies would be my girlfriends:
Kelly Ripa

She comes across as being so down to earth. She is SO witty {I love it!}, and she seems to balance career, family, fun and friendships so well. She doesn't take herself too seriously. She loves the island of Capri, so she would be my traveling buddy to Italy : )
Julia Roberts
So poised. So sure of who she is. Her family appears to be her top priority {they all pack up and go with her when she needs to be away shooting a movie}. She thinks before she speaks - and she isn't afraid to speak her mind. She's caring and passionate for certain causes. She seems to be a very loyal friend.
Drew Barrymore
She would keep me laughing until my ribs hurt! She's the friend that will come over in the middle of the night if you need her to, will help you eat a gallon of ice-cream while watching reality tv, and will be on your side if you've had a fight with your boyfriend {but then when the two of you make up, she will say how sweet he is!}. She seems like the kind of friend who would be spontaneous right along with you! She's extremely smart, speaks so eloquently, has so many life lessons to share and appears to be extremely honest and vulnerable.
Sherry Shepherd

She seems up for anything! She would be the friend who could easily get you out of a bad mood. She would be the friend who would be there to give you a pep talk should you need one. She is independent. She doesn't need to be the center of attention, but she knows her place. She has a serious side and a funny side, and is very outgoing. She seems like the kind of person that if you ask her how her day is going, she is going to really tell you. She appears to wear her emotions on her sleeves, and seems to be so relatable.
Rebecca Romijn

She seems like a breath of fresh air. She will share her perspective, but not try to persuade anyone to agree with it. She appears to have a fun marriage and dotes on her two twin daughters. She isn't afraid to go out in public without make-up on or be seen in the grocery store wearing her husband's shirt or her favorite pair of jeans that she's worn nearly every day that week. She's more often seen in the park with her girls, and having family outings versus unloading obscene amounts of money while shopping on Rodeo Drive. She is the friend that you would want to take to any social gathering. She will make the night super fun!
Diane Keaton

This one is probably a surprise! Ha ha! Why the heck would I want Diane Keaton in my circle, you ask? I just love her. She makes that saying, "age is nothing but a number" so true. I would be fully engaged hearing her stories, and she seems to live her life with no regret. She seems to always have a smile on her face, and people speak so highly of her. On a personal note, I have loved connecting with older women - they deposit so much into you.
Obviously I don't actually "know" any of the above women. They could be completely opposite of everything that I've written. My positive opinions about them come from seeing so many interviews that they've done, and watching the profiles done about them on tv, seeing them appear as guests on talk shows and late night shows, etc. and in the case of Kelly Ripa and Sherry Shepherd, watching them live over the years. There are lots of other women in Hollywood that would be fun to have around my table but these would probably be my top gals.
Who would your circle of women be?! Share!
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