
Monday, June 6, 2011

Recapping The Last Few Days

My computer is still on the fritz so I wasn't able to upload my Monday post earlier. I'm a total night owl, and am up writing this post after 1 AM {which means it's technically now Tuesday but better late than never!}. Hope you all had a great weekend!! Ours was a mixture of busy, fun, and relaxing.

I need to backtrack to last Thursday as it was my husband's birthday!!! We spent the night at home and had a lowkey evening and chose to celebrate his special day by going out on Saturday. For his birthday dinner I made homemade fajitas at his request : ) I failed to take a picture so I'm cheating and posting a pic that I didn't personally take but it shows nearly exactly what mine looked like ; ) ......
Ilah had fun coloreing her daddy a picture for his birthay!....
And we taped it to the garage door so he could see it first thing when he got home : ) .....
While I was busy getting dinner ready, Ilah was busy in the tupperware cabinet.

After Dele opened up his cards and gifts, we put Ilah down for the night. I baked a simple boxed strawberry cake and instead of icing, topped it with cool whip {less calories!}. We took our pieces upstairs and crawled into bed and ate our cake while watching a movie {that I of course fell asleep to, as usual!}.
Friday evening after Dele got home from work, we took Ilah to the park! There are some pictures taken of her that allow me to see a glimpse into what she will look when she is older, and they also enable me to see the old soul of hers. This picture to me is one of them.... This picture cracks me up - Ilah looks like she's holding on for dear life!....
Then she realizes that swinging "semi-high" is actually REALLY FUN! Ha ha! Oh how I love that happy face!!....
For dinner Friday night we had hamburgers and shared some fries from Five Guys. We first tried this burger place last year and didn't like it...but then we had it again last month and changed our mind ; ) Still nothing like In-N-Out though {which they don't have here. Boo!}....
Saturday morning we had breakfast and then got Ilah ready to go stay with my mom for the day so that we could celebrate Dele's birthday and be out and about, doing whatever we wanted to do. I packed up Ilah's lunch and dinner and her snacks in her Dora lunch sack that my friend Vanessa gave her!...
Ilah watched Word World {a new fav!} while I was getting some of her toys together and packing her diaper bag...and then daddy loaded up the car.
When we got to my mom's house, Ilah's Abuela had a gift for her! Ilah is always pretending to be drinking and eating something so this little talking tea set is right up her alley! Ilah LOVES it!!....
After I dropped Ilah off, I went to Hobby Lobby to get a few decor pieces for our 4th of July party. Dele stayed behind. I can't figure out why? It's not like I was going to be in there for over an hour or anything! ; )

After my little shopping exersion, we went to the movies and saw Hangover 2. Some parts I did have to look away because goodness, gracious...REALLY, was that necessary?!...but it did keep up laughing and was just as good as the first, in our opinion.
After the movie we went to a furniture store and purchased some barstools. It's nice to have the extra seating. We love them! They blend in nicely with our decor and the base of the new stools actually match the base of the two stools that we have at our center island. They don't take up much room, thus, they don't interfere with Ilah's play space. I didn't put stools there earlier because when Ilah was learning to stand, and walk, she was always pulling up on stuff and I was worried that she would lose her grip and hit her head on the medal base {it happened at my mom's house once}. But now she is a big girl and so far she has paid these barstools no mind. Let's hope it stays that way!

After we purchased the barstools, we went to The Cheesecake Factory for dinner!! Yuumm!!!....

After dinner, we picked up Ilah's from my mom's and we got home by 9 p.m. The next morning it was Sunday and we went to church. {I put in Ilah's 16 month post that she is on just one nap a day but it seems to fluctuate, as some days she will still go down twice. When we left for church it was around 10:45 a.m. and she was rubbing her tired eyes on the way there. She made it through the service but when I went to pick her up from the nursery, she was so tired and looked way ready/overdue for a nap! Bless her heart! {that is the FIRST time I have ever typed that! The sweet Southern saying might be rubbing off on me. Ha!}......

Ilah and her Abuela after church.....

Our sleepy little girl.....

We thought for sure that Ilah would have a looong nap. Nope. She woke up about an hour and a half later, just as we were taking our Sunday nap! : / Oh well...duty calls! A while later, Dele headed out to meet some co-workers and me and Ilah hung out at home. The hours passed rather quickly and when daddy got home, Ilah changed into her pj's and we all played in her room for a bit : ) .....

Then it was dinner time! Ilah is eating more and more with her fork these days. So cute to watch!....

While Ilah was eating dinner, I went through the Sunday paper and pulled out my coupon booklets and tore out some other coupons that I came across....

After Ilah was in bed, it was time for Mama to tune into her shows! Sunday night was the season finale of The Real Housewives of Orange County {Season 6}. Do any of you read the blogs on Bravo that the ladies post, following the airing of an episode? I do! I love reading their perspective on what just aired, and the extra juice that they divulge! I don't read the blogs of the NYC Housewives but along with the OC ladies, I also read the blogs of the New Jersey ladies! Can't wait for the OC Reunion shows!!

Today was spent cleaning the house, folding laundry and packaging up some Etsy orders and shipping out some bows! {You can visit my Etsy shop here}.

My mom came over this afternoon and brought me Chipotle for lunch and spent some time with Ilah. I have such a wonderful mother!!

I hope you all have a great week! It's sure to fly by so make every day a good one : )


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