
Monday, June 13, 2011

Our Weekend!

Hope you guys all had a fabulous weekend! Mine was wonderful : ) Seems that lately ours have been the perfect combo of fun + relaxation. I'll take it!

Friday night I cooked up an easy meal of spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. It was served up on ultra-chic paper plates {ha!} for easy tossy out and no dishes for momma to do!
While eating, we watched a few episodes of House Hunters International. One couple ventured to South Africa, and another made roots in Australia. We love this show!

There's a show that I came across over the weekend on the OWN Network, called "Love It or List It". The show has to do with people who are contimplating moving from their current home, which they don't currently love, and buying a property that meets their current needs and wants. A designer comes in and does a renovation on their current home to get them to love it, while a real estate agent takes the couple to see property listings that are in alignment with what they are wishing they had more of - be it space, an upgraded kitchen, a patio with a huge yard, etc. In the end, the couple returns their fabulously upgraded home and now has to make a choice...has the upgrades made them fall in love with their home, and made them want to stay, or do they decide that while although the improvements are amazing, their current home still doesn't meet their list of wants. So it's realtor -vs- interior designer {who also has a team who blows out walls, implements landscaping, etc}! I love this show! And the home improvements are amazing! The couples have been so torn - some have stayed, some have chosen to move on. If you're in to these type of shows, you'll love "Love It or List It" on the OWN Network. You can see some clips here.

Saturday we just hung out at home and in the evening we picked up take out and after we put Ilah to bed we watched the last Chronicles of Narnia. I've never been one to enjoy fantasy type movies, but I enjoyed every one of the Narnia movies that came out....
Sunday morning we went to church and Ilah had a blast in the nursery as always! Dele snapped these few pics on his phone, which came out blurry, but they are still cute : ) ....

After church we had lunch, Ilah went down for a nap, and then I met up a girlfriend at Coldstone for some ice-cream and some fun girl talk : )

We had a church picnic on Sunday that was a lot of fun! My mom came too : ) I made some watermelon shaped sugar cookies to take....

Along with taking the cookies to the church picnic, we also took this cute little girl!....

Ilah was a busy little bee and wore her mommy and daddy out!! Obviously we love every stage with her, but it will be nice when she is older and can independently play on all the playground equipment and go off and have a fun time playing with her friends! Until then, we will be by her side, out there sweating like crazy as we climb up and down on the equipment with her - with one of us sending her down the slide while the other one is at the bottom to catch her! We got home from the picnic a little after 8:00 p.m. and then it was dinner, bath, a story, and bedtime.

After Ilah was in bed, I tuned into my guilty pleasure of The Real Housewives in which part 1 of of the OC Housewives Reunion aired. Did you watch? Following the OC Reunion was a new episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey...loving this season!! Hope you all had a great weekend and that a great week is ahead for you!!

photo sources: House Hunters International, Love It or List It, Narnia Movie, Coldstone, Housewife Pictures.


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