
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Marriage Reminders

I mentioned that a few weekends ago, Dele and I attended a wedding in which he was the best man for one of his friends, who was also in our wedding party. I just love weddings! I would love to remarry Dele every a different setting, wearing a different dress, laughing and dancing away in a beautiful reception that is styled differently year after year. But we all aren't Heidi Klum and Seal. Ha! So it's a good thing that our first wedding was everything we wanted it to be!
The guys, minus the Groom. My handsome hubby is on the left : )

The card that we he gave to the Bride and Groom had words within in that touched me in such a way that I had to write them down,because I want to eventually frame these reminders. I thought that I would share those words here for you all to read as well.

How To Make a Beautiful Life Together

Reflections on Marriage, for the Bride and Groom

Let love be your shelter.
The world is noisy and confusing at times,
So make a home that is a haven,
A peaceful place where you can listen to your heart and savor
the comfortable closeness you share.

No matter how busy your days may be,
Make time for yourselves.
Hold hands. Unwind.
Surprise each other.
Find little chances everyday to show you’re grateful to be partners,
to be friends, to be married.

Life is not perfect.
You will make mistakes.
But each time you meet life’s challenges together,
You will grow wiser, stronger, and surer of your love.

Cherish your yesterdays.
They are irreplaceable souvenirs of your journey through life.
Make memories that will bring smiles and sighs whenever you look back
(Look back often!)

Look forward, too.
Dream together. Plan together.
Make promises to keep.
Believe in your tomorrows,
Because tomorrows are what forever is made of.

To make love last
Put each other first.
That is the way to make a beautiful life together,
The kind of life you both deserve so much.


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