
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Our Friends Visit From Vegas! Part 5 {Good Times at The Georgia Aquarium!}

***If you are an Atlanta reader, check back tomorrow for a "SWEET" giveaway available only to readers within the Atlanta area!!***

The day after we returned home from Savannah, we took the girls to The Georgia Aquarium! This was the last full day that Vanessa and Alina would be in Atlanta; the following day their flight was departing in the early evening. We knew that the girls would be fascinated with seeing all the fish, whales, penguins, and all of the other sealife within the acquarium. The girls seemed to be in awe! We loved taking it all in through their eyes : )

There were even fish overhead....Ilah looked up and noticed them!....

"Ilah, isn't this cool!?".....

Whoah! I wouldn't want to get close to this thing!!....

I snapped a few pics on my phone to send to Daddy since he wasn't with us....

Ilah waving to the fish! Ha!....

The Penguin Exhibit!....

And then it was on to see the Beluga Whales!....

You can actually have your wedding and reception at The Georgia Aquarium. At first I thought "that would be weird" until I came across the below gorgeous! Elegant decor paired with the showcasing of the Beluga stunning!

photo credit

We had such a FUN, FUN, FUN day with our girls!!!

The next day we had to say good-bye to our friends : ( We had such a great time together. Reliving all of the wonderful moments through these posts makes me wish that we could go back and repeat all of them. As the saying goes - all good things must come to an end. But good friendships....well, those remain forever!


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