
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Our Friends Visit From Vegas! Part 4 {Good Times in Savannah...Continued!!}

Our last afternoon in Savannah was spent on River Street. We visited it at night the day before so that Vanessa could take in the two different feels. At night lots of boats are docked on the river, under the moon light, with twinkling stars above and the smell of freshly made pralines are calling your name, waiting to be devoured as a sinful late evening treat. By day you get a different feel for River Street - the sun shining down on the cobblestone streets, shop owners with their doors open waiting for passers by to stop in, lots of quaint restaurants to choose from, musicians playing their instruments, people making handmade items to sell, and friendly people who strike up a short conversation with you in passing.

We took the girls out of their strollers so they could be free and walk around a bit!

We came upon a little play area for children and got some cute pictures of the girls!....

Vanessa jumped in to hold the girls up since there wasn't a platform for them to stand on inside of the "ship"!....
.... Now you see her

Now you don't!....

Look at those faces!! We just LOVE our girls!!....

I'm sure you've noticed that the girls are wearing darling matching dresses : ) I made them matching hairbows to go with them!....

Time to sit down for a break! Ha ha!.....

It was pretty windy out and as their faces show, the girls didn't really take to it well!....

Hey girls! Look up! There we picture of them sorta looking at the camera : )......

We tried to sit Ilah and Alina next to each other so that we could take some pictures of them against this brick wall....but can see how that went.....

Ilah.....Illllaaah. Come here. Come here. Ilah. Where are you going??

Apparently she wanted to go say hello to some people....

She's a VERY friendly little girl! Love that about her!

We tried again to have the girls sit pretty against the brick wall backdrop but Ilah once again took off! Ha!...

So it was a wrap! We headed to lunch!!

We did manage to get a picture of us with our girls - clearly they were over picture taking at this point! Especially Ilah!.....

After lunch it was time to hit the road and return back home to Atlanta! We had a WONDERFUL time in Savannah and can't wait to go back - next time with our hard working husbands! : )


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