
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ilah, 13 Months Old

Ilah, last week you turned 13 months old!! The time is just flying!! Let's see what you've been up to....

  • You still: Wear a size 4 diaper, are a great sleeper, take 2 naps a day and wear 18 month clothes.

  • You weigh 26.6 lbs and are 30.7" in height.

  • You are so social. You just love being around people – especially other little kids.
  • You are always offering your food to mommy or daddy. You love to share. This goes for your toys too.

  • Anytime you see mommy or daddy eating something, you want some of whatever it is – even if you have your own food in front of you. And of course – we always share!
  • You love playing in the Tupperware cupboard. In fact, you love getting into ALL the cupboards drawers.

  • You have a fascination with playing with toilet paper and Kleenex. You rip them into itty bitty pieces and hand them to us – one tiny piece at a time.
  • You had your first cold this month {mommy caught one too}. Thankfully it didn’t last long and you got over it just a few days later. Every time you saw mommy blow her nose, you would come to me for a tissue and do the same! It was hilarious!!
  • In the past month you have started to use a spoon and a fork and are beginning to feed yourself.

  • You have been showing us where your eyes, nose and mouth are for about a month now.

  • You are following directions when we tell you to do things.
  • After changing your diaper, you have started to want to throw it away in your diaper pail yourself. So now you lift the lid and dispose of it all on your own!

  • You are very cooperative when we dress you. You extend your arms and legs and make it so easy for us!

  • You absolutely hate having your diaper changed!

  • You still LOVE to dance!!! You’ve added some new moves and spin ‘round and around in circles!

  • Your favorite word at the moment is “No!”. Not only do you shake your head, but you also will shake your finger back and forth at mommy since you see me do it to you!

  • You have absolutely no separation anxiety! You are quite an independent little girl!

  • You light up every time you see your Abuela!!

  • YOU now initiate peek-a-boo, and other games, with US! Your new favorite game is to hand us pieces of your puzzle, one at a time, and once you have given every single piece to us, you put your hand out so that we can do the same thing to you.

  • You have started doing this new thing of sitting down on your bottom when we take a hold of your hand to lead you somewhere that you don’t want to go.

  • At just 13 months of age, you had one of your friends sleepover – for 5 nights! Mommy’s friend Vanessa, and her little girl Alina {who was born the same week as you} came from Las Vegas, NV to visit us! We had such a fun time with them, and even took a little 3 day jaunt to Savannah! You were such a good little girl!

  • Daddy introduced you to a new cartoon called “Bubble Guppies” and you LOVE it!

  • You are getting so tall. You reach right on up and can grab anything that is close to the edge of a table.

  • You are such a happy, happy, happy baby!! And a hilarious one!!! I mean, seriously....your pose above...comical!!!

Sweet Ilah, with each passing day you are doing new things – I’m sure I haven’t written them all here. But I sure am enjoying my days with you and watching you develop into a sweet girl who loves discovering the world around her. We adore you, and love you, so much!!

- Mommy & Daddy


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