
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Our Friends Visit From Vegas! Part 3 {Good Times in Savannah...Continued!!}

After breakfast in our hotel on Thursday, our fun times in Savannah continued! We started the day off with a guided horse carriage ride through the squares! It was SO CHILLY that day!! We dressed the girls in warm layers, bundled them up in blankets and adorned their heads with warm beanies and put mittens on their hands too.

After paying for our carriage ride, we had a little bit of time to kill before our tour time so we let the girls out of their strollers to stretch their legs and test out their new shoes : )

Me and Vanessa with Ilah and Alina waiting for our carriage to arrive....

We had the entire carriage to ourselves {I'm telling you, visiting Savannah mid-week is just the best!}.....

The girls fell asleep on us probably ten minutes into the tour. I really loved this relaxing time, being in a horse drawn carriage, enjoying a beautiful city {my most favorite in all of Georgia} with my friend and her daughter by my side. I truly did relish in the moment, appreciating the time that we were sharing together. Vanessa and I are both stay-at-home moms and while we are so grateful for being able to stay home with our girls, we are both living in cities that we weren't born and raised in and friendships haven't been too easy to come by. Nearly all of our days are spent in our home, with the only interaction being with our baby. It was such a breath of fresh air to be on this well-deserved mini vacation with my friend, creating memories together and bonding in such a special way.

While we were on our horse carriage tour, we noticed a few things that we would love to stroll back to on foot and get a closer look. One of them being the birthplace of Juliette Gordon Lowe, the founder of the Girl Scouts. I had visited her husband's family home on a previous trip to Savannah and while there is so much interest in the Juliette Gordan Lowe home, I had never visited it. Vanessa was a Girl Scout so touring this home was a must!

To say that the home is beautiful is an understatement!!

photo credit

After our tour, we continued to take in Savannah on foot and stroll our girls up and down some beautiful streets lined with amazing homes!.....

Vanessa picked one out!! She made a mental offer and the imaginary sellers accepted it!! Ha ha!!....

Savannah is so serene, and is full of amazing architecture. The oldest Roman Catholic church in Georgia {Cathedral of St. John the Baptist} is here. It is stunning!!....

Ilah and Alina were so relaxed, enjoying the outdoors....

Eventually it was time for lunch! So we dipped into a local spot and filled our bellies with some delicious food!....

{photos above taken on my cell phone}

After lunch it was back to walking!! And in Savannah, who minds it?!?! Isn't the below home just lovely?! So southern!!....

We walked down to Forsyth Park to see the beautiful fountain!.....

We snapped a pic on my phone to send to our hubby's!....

We were literally out until sun down!!.....

We picked up the girls some dinner and took it back to the hotel. After they ate and ran around playing, it was bath time!....

It was yet another fun-filled, memorable day in Savannah!! The next day we woke up, ate breakfast and then headed to River Street! More to come in the next post!!


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