
Monday, January 31, 2011

The Past Few Days {with cell phone pictures}

Last Thursday it was freeeezing here in Atlanta. It was in the low 40's - but felt even colder. I didn't realize how cold it really was until I stepped out to go have lunch with my mom. We took in a bite at Panera Bread....

I just love those disposable place mats!

Then it was onto Walmart. I hardly ever shop there but I've noticed that they really do carry some great things at very reasonable prices and it can be a convenient one stop shop.

I've shared that my friend Vanessa will be visiting {next week!} so I purchased a car seat for sweet Alina and also while we were there my mom and I browsed their flatscreen tv's. Mom wanted an upgrade. Ultimately she decided to purchase a flat screen from Sears. Speaking of my mom...she wants to transform one of the guestrooms in her house into a nursery for Ilah so we looked to see if Walmart had any convertible cribs while we were there. We saw this one by the makers of Carters and are keeping it in mind....

Saturday I headed out to run a few errands and bought Ilah and Alina these cute shirts at Target {us mommies thought it would be cute to dress the girls alike on some of their outings!}...

And I spotted these cute little headbands and got them too!....

I was never really in love with the last set of kitchen rugs that I bought. And they just didn't grow on me. I spotted these at Marshalls and loved the pattern - but even more so, I loved how thick they were. I bought them and just love how my feet feel underneath them!....

I also picked up an insulated bag for our trip to Savannah so that the milk in the girls sippy cups will stay cook while were out and about walking around. It comes with a reusable chiller pack. Perfect!....

I spotted these ADORABLE funky black tennis shoes {by Pastry} at Marshalls. Naturally, I couldn't pass them up and just had to get them!...

On Sunday we headed to my mom's house and Dele installed her new flatscreen in her bedroom. Ilah kept my mom and I quite busy going from room to room!....

Notice that Ilah is in a sundress? In January?! That's because our 40 degree weather shifted into the 70's over the weekend!!

Dora kept her in one place for at least a few minutes! Ha!...

It's a bird! It's a plane! No...sorry Ilah, it's just a ceiling fan! Ha ha...

No birds or planes back there either!....

Last night I made some matching bows to go with some of Ilah's outfits....

Today. Today did not get off to a good start. Ilah wasn't looking or feeling her best sporadically over the weekend and it was my first time having anxiety {to put it mildly} not seeing my baby feel well. After speaking on the phone with one of the nurses on Friday, it seemed that Ilah had a mild reaction to one of her immunizations {no fever, but other things caused me some concern} - I was just unsettled and wanted to get her chcked out. Even though Ilah looked much better this morning, I still decided to head to the Doctor....

Ilah was still a bit sleepy...
Although we were able to get a morning appointment, we waited quite a bit and Ilah was over it...

So she decided to get into all the drawers and cupboards to pass time....

I felt so much better after leaving the Dr's office and Ilah getting a thorough exam. She checked out perfect. I am a very cautious parent and if something seems "off" to me in the slightest bit I am going to respond to it. Perhaps I initially overreacted and in my mind made something out of nothing but better for me to have my child looked at by a professional than to just assume that everything is fine. Some say I will be more relaxed with my next child, but don't bet on it!

I felt even better after Ilah woke up from her nap and was all smiles!....

And she resumed being her normal silly self, filling up her daddy's slippers with her toys....

All is well with the world now that I know my baby is A-ok!

I hope you all had a great weekend!!

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