
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Our Tweet Heart's 1st Birthday Party! {Part 3}

To see parts 1 and 2 of Ilah's 1st birthday party, go here and here. Today's post showcases the tissue pom's pom's, the drink station, and finally some pictures of the little birthday girl!!

The tissue pom-pom's were a last minute decision. I saw them at Marshalls {for $5.99 for a pack of 7} but purposely passed them over. But then a week before Ilah's party, I thought they would be a cute little touch and I went back praying they were still there - but with places like Marshalls/Ross/TJ Maxx, if you like something you really need to get it the moment you see it because it could be gone that very same day. I went to the aisle where I first spotted them....and nothing. And then....after some "digging" {because sometimes that's just what you have to do} I spotted the corner of Martha Stewart's tissue pom-pom's. And there they were - 2 packs!! Score!! I literally said, "Thank you Jesus!" outloud. Hey, it's the little things ; )

I think the tissue pom-pom's added a cute little touch {my husband helped me put them together the night before the party}. We hung them around the dining area...

Onto the drink station....

I like setting up a little drink station when I have gatherings/parties because it allows guests the freedom to come back as many times as they want, for whatever they want. I'm all about being a hostess but pouring and re-pouring drinks is something that sometimes guests like to do themselves and I will happily surrender that duty.

I happened to already have these cute servings trays. I purchased them a few summers ago for just $2.99 a piece. I had no idea that I had so much bird themed stuff until I was actually pulling the party together a few weeks before.

Another homemade element...

I tucked a little eggs nest inside of the birdcage....

I found these bird napkins at Marshalls for $2.49 a pack. I placed them on a mini easle that I already owned...

I wrapped the glass pitchers in ribbon for an extra little touch....

My father-in-law also brought a bottle of wine and we made a toast to Ilah, and her future, just before the party wrapped up for the night!

Speaking of Ilah. I know you are all wanting to see the Birthday Girl!!!

She was a bit tired because she had skipped her afternoon nap....

But she quickly got into the spirit of her birthday once she started getting tons of attention!

She tested out her birthday hat on her foot for size! Ha ha!.....

And at one point, Ilah tried to stuff her birthday hat down the ball popper! She's one silly girl!

The bow that I made for Ilah to match her little birthday outfit....

As you can see, Ilah quickly forgot that she was tired and started up with her funny, silly self!....

She got the below plush pink doggy from her grandparents, along with some other gifts....

Ilah loves this V-tech ride-on toy given to her by her Aunt {Dele's sister} for Christmas....

Look at our pretty little birthday girl!!!!......

Did Ilah think her lego was a harmonica?!....

Ilah's little outfit {purchased by my mom} matched the theme of her birthday party. It had a trail of birds on the front and it was embroidered with the saying "ONE of a Kind". And that she is!!

Ilah was comfy in her cute little Dora slippers that we got her for Christmas!....

Did someone say cake!?!?....

Ilah's birthday recap continues in a few more posts....the birthday girl eating her cupcake, gifts that she gives to her grandmothers, Ilah opening her birthday presents on the same rocking chair that I did when I turned one {!}, and a keepsake box that I purchased to keep all of her sweet 1st birthday party sentiments in!

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