
Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday Happenings

Well...we were snowed in today. The folks in Fargo, North Dakota probably laughed that all of Atlanta shut down because of 2-3 inches of snow! Ha ha!

We were awaiting the snowfall since yesterday afternoon and it wasn't until later in the evening that it began. And it was a beautiful sight. I opened up our blinds in our bedroom last night to bring the beauty of the outside, in - and although I was bound to drift off to sleep, I loved doing so knowing that there was a picturesque setting forming just outside our door. We woke up to an amazing "view" this morning.

Dele worked from home today - and his building will also be closed tomorrow as well. The roads are a mess and the conditions are icy so staying off the roadways is what's recommended. Don't worry....we will heed to the advice! Although the tires on my car are "all weather" tires, I won't be testing them out in the snow.

I was browsing online this evening to check out some photos of the snow that is blanketing our city. The below photo is actually of an interstate that I used to drive on to get to work everyday. Those two tall buildings that you see...I worked in one of them.

All above photos: AJC

So while although Dele did indeed work from home, he also took some time today to sand and stain this little rocking chair. I got it from my great-grandmother {my dad's grandmother} on my first birthday and now it is being past down to Ilah on her first birthday!

There are pads that go on the chair. I removed the original ones that were hand-sewn by my great-grandmother {I have them packed up} and had new pads made that match Iah's crib beddding.

For me, the day was all about continuing to get Ilah's birthday party together! I did a post about prepping for her big day here. Here are a few more sneak peeks!....

In case you're wondering what Ilah's been up to, she's been busy with the dishwasher....

And not just reaching for things inside, but actually climbing into it!....

The husband had a request for chocolate chip cookies tonight. So I obliged ; ) And I didn't even have one. NOT ONE. Ok, maybe a few spoonfuls of cookie dough....but that was it! Cookie dough is hard to resist!! Sidenote: For those that have suggested that I get my husband involved with my weight loss hunka-burnin-love has gained just as much weight as I have since we first met. Losing weight is something that we are both seeking to do - together. His request for chocolate chip cookies came totally out the blue because he has never asked me to make them.

Over the weekend I did a trial run of Ilah's birthday cake {I am making it from scratch - first cake ever that I have made from scratch} and with the exception of the icing {I still need to try out one more recipe}, everything came out soooo good!! Ilah's cake will be made up of vanilla white cake, with layers of strawberry mousse and chocolate ganche filling. I really wanted to attempt covering it in fondant for that pretty, smooth look - and even bought everything to do so - but my first attempt on a fondant cake shouldn't be on Ilah's birthday {Ha!} so I will save my "experimenting" for another time!

We always planned on having Ilah's birthday party on Wednesday, January 12th - the day of her actual birthday. But with the weather being what it is, and roads continuing to be icy and shut down, we don't want our parents driving in that. So we will likely push her little party back to the weekend, after things have cleared up a bit. I know I don't have control over the weather, but I'm a bit bummed about that. But I guess the upside is that it gives me a few more days to get everything together, allowing some down time during the day.

I'm off to watch Desperate Housewives {oh how I love having a DVR!}.

Enjoy your night/day tomorrow!

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