
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ilah, 12 Months Old!

The day is here!! Our adorable little Ilah is ONE!!!!

So, does it feels to turn ONE?!?

"Hmmm. Let me think about this".......

It makes me wanna dance!!!!.....

Oh. Yeah!! I'm really feelin' it now!!....

Ha ha!!

Is American Idol holding baby auditions that I don't know about?!?

Ok, it's time to go through what you're up to at a year old!

  • I’m not sure of your height/weight stats…we have a Dr. appt next week and we shall see! I can’t wait!

  • You continue to be a good sleeper! Down between 7:00 p.m./7:30 p.m. every night, and up around 8:00 a.m./8:30 a.m. every morning.

  • You continue to wake up every day so happy! You are such a morning “person”. I just LOVE seeing your precious face first thing in the morning and taking in your smell!
  • Most days you still nap twice a day {but the times have changed to 10:30 am/11 am and 2:30pm/3:30 p.m.}, but it seems that you are slowly fading out of two naps as some days you have just taking one during the day.
  • You are no longer on formula. You now drink store bought whole milk.
  • We have started to ween you from your pacifier.
  • Socks hardly ever stay on your feet. You rip them right off! Luckily you have mostly footed pajamas!
  • You would much rather prefer that we let you eat everything yourself, with your fingers. If we try to feed you from a spoon, you reject the food. Abuela says you don’t do that with her. But with us, you are adamant about feeding yourself. You don’t eat with a spoon or fork just yet but we’ve let you hold them while you were eating to start getting you accustomed to them. I think eventually you will get that they are to be used with feeding yourself some food and instead of playing with them, will begin feeding yourself of off them : )
  • You absolutely hate diaper changes. You throw such a fit. We have to distract you with a toy to just make it through! {These pictures also show that you get into everything!}.
  • When we say “eyes” you point to your eyes {or ours}. And when we say “nose” you point to your nose {or ours}.

  • If we take something away from you that you shouldn’t be playing with, you have a meltdown. It makes us actually laugh {which we don't do to your face} because your tears are so fake but you are hoping to get your way. We love you….but we see right through you ; )
  • You are a total people person. You love when people dote on you and you just love watching, and interacting with, other babies and children. You get so excited when you are among them!

  • When we tell you no, you shake your head "no". And when we shake our finger gesturing "no", you now do it back to us. Hilarious!
  • You scrunch up your nose and make this funny little face.....

  • You are getting more teeth! Your back teeth have started coming in!! I just noticed them a few days ago and reached in to have a feel and was shocked!! One is all the way through, and one is half way through. Wow!

  • You blow kisses back to mommy and daddy when we blow them to you.

  • When mommy is holding you and you put your little head on my shoulder and I start to rub and pat your back, you start to pat my arm in return. It’s sooo cute!!

  • You are very quick on your feet! You’re practically a little runner now! Ha ha!! And boy do you love to climb! This past weekend you climbed inside of the dishwasher {literally} while daddy was empting it.

  • You love all of the toys that you got for Christmas. Watching you move from "baby toys" to "big girl" toys makes me realize how fast you are growing.

  • You LOVE your Dora microphone. Not long after you got it for Christmas {from your Abuela}, you figured out how to press the button that allows you to talk/sing into it!
  • We really have to make sure that we close the door behind us to the toilets in the house. You have made your way inside a few of them and by the time we chase you down, you are already splashing the water in the toilet! Ick! Time for toilet seat locks!

This is Ilah trying to get inside of the bathroom. Pretty soon she is going to be able to reach that handle!.....

  • You took your first long distance road trip this month – a 4 hour car ride. We went to Savannah, GA for New Years weekend. You did SO great!

Ilah, you are such a HAPPY, FUN baby!!

Baby? Toddler? I don't know which word to use!

When I first looked at the below picture of you, I saw a glimse into the future. You just look so mature and grown. I often think back to the day that I had you, and while although I wish I could go back in time and relive it all again, I am enjoying each and every milestone that you are going through.

Happy 1st Birthday to you Ilah!! Every day we are blessed by your presence in our lives and all the joy that you bring us.

We love you immensely!!

- M0mmy & Daddy

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