
Friday, January 14, 2011

The Husband Caught Cabin Fever!

Well, the ice is thawing and things are slowly resuming back to normal in our neck of the woods here in Atlanta. The UPS driver came to our neighborhood yesterday {and I finally got my new phone!}.

The husband was itching to return back to the office. Ha! Working from home was a bit hard as naturally, there are so many distractions - and I'll be honest, I utilized his help a bit while he was home {one day his computer wouldn't connect to his offices' server so I put him to work in other ways! ..."Honey, can you get the paper towels down for me"..."Honey, can you run upstairs and get me Ilah's blanket"..."Honey, can you take these two storage boxes {filled with Christmas decorations that I delicately put away} and put them in the corner of the garage". He said he was glad that he was home with us, but I think there was only partial truth to that! Ha ha!

Today he went in to the office, as the roads have started to clear up, and he is probably enjoying the breathe of fresh air...even if the air that he is breathing in is inside of an office building! As a stay-at-home mom, I pretty much hit a repeat button every day - my husband isn't used to operating like that. After being front and center and seeing the in's and out's of what goes into my days, he told me that I should definately be getting paid for what I do all day...he doesn't know who should pay me, but he said it should be someone! Ha ha! Monday hubs has the day off for MLK...we better plan something that requires us to be out of the house!

This morning Ilah woke up around 7:45 a.m. {after my husband left for work} and I just knew that she wasn't going to fall back asleep as she did every day this week when daddy went in her room and applied his magic touch. After a quick diaper change, putting her pacifier in, and rubbing her back for a bit, Dele would lay Ilah back down and she would stay asleep for another hour and a half! With me??? {do you hear me laughing??!!}. No way!! I used his same methods and the girl sprung right up when I layed her back down in her crib and WAILED for me to come back when I left the room. I gave it about 10 minutes to see if she would soothe herself back to sleep - and she did stop crying - but she was awake and ready to get her day started! And so we did.

Last night I put the finishing touches on things for Ilah's birthday party. Let me tell you...even though this party is on a very small scale, if I didn't get started a week ago, I would be ripping my hair out. Prepping ahead is key!! I like little touches of cuteness....and those "things" can sometimes take you the longest time to do. Take for instance.....

{photo taken on my phone. Although the bird looks black, it's actually a dark brown}.

On a totally unrelated note, I vowed that I would not watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, nor Atlanta...and I got sucked in. Atlanta is a doozy {and not in a good way}...and Beverly Hills...I thought last night was a great episode. Both shows have taped their reunions and I can't wait to see them. The reunions are the best! OC is still in the middle of production and while I could do away with about half of the housewives on that show {I just loved the original cast}, I really want to see how things are unfolding for some of the women. Do you watch Real Housewives? What's your take on the newest franchise....Beverly Hills?

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