
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!!

We just returned from vacationing in Savannah for New Years! Oh how I love it there!! I never get tired of visiting that transquil city that is full of so much old world charm. It's my absolute favorite place in Georgia - in fact, one of my top favorite places that I have ever visited. I just love walking through all the beautiful squares and taking in a new surrounding that awaits you at every turn. I feel as though the air is fresher there, the pace is slower, and people actually really do stop and smell the roses {when they are in bloom!}. I will post pictures of our time away in Savannah this week!

In the meantime, here are a couple pictures of me and my girl after we checked out of our hotel this morning...

I feel that I have so much to write about, on a variety of topics, but the days have just been getting away from me. I took some time off from blogging the past few days while we were away and I have some catching up to do! : ) Anyone know of a pause button that I can get my hands on?

On a separate note: I'm curious how many of my readers live in {or nearby} Atlanta? If you do, can you please let me know? I love getting to know my readers and am curious if you happen to live near me : ) If you happen to not have a blog, please feel free to leave your email address!

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