
Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Big Thank You!!

I never really do posts on the weekends but I just had a to take a few minutes out of my day to thank all of you who commented on {and sent me emails about} my last blog post. It wasn't an easy thing to write. Focusing in on weight loss brings anxiety in itself. But I know that if I want to be a happier me, I need to really stick to what I know I need to do in order to regain being comfortable in my skin again. Reading all of your words of encouragement, advice, and also reading your own personal stories, truly made me feel that I was among friends. I didn't at all expect to get so many comments on that post; I am so glad that you took a few moments to connect with me like you did, and I hope that you don't go back into hiding ; ) I just love hearing back from you guys after a post - so please keep your comments coming!

My focus won't persay be on what the scale says, but really it will be about fitting back into "those pair of jeans". Every woman has a pair that we aim to fit back into - or not outgrow. These would be mine {and I didn't need to lay down like that to make them fit! Ha!}....

Photo taken on our honeymoon, April 2009. On top of the Gloriette at the Schonbrunn Palace in Vienna, Austria.

So those are the jeans my friends. Those were the jeans that I fit in to while I was dating my now-husband, and I could still fit into them after we got married. My aim: to get back into them - post baby! And do you see how carefree I look in that photo? While although trying to lose weight can be a struggle, I am going to try and be conscious about being carefree along the way, remembering that life isn't just about meeting goals - it's also about enjoying life as you are.

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