
Monday, January 17, 2011

12 Month Check-Up

Today Ilah had her 1 year check up! Daddy met us at the pediatrician's office and Ilah was so happy to see him mid-day!.....

Daddy & daughter watched a few minutes of Finding Nemo before we were called in....

I thought it was so cute how Ilah was holding onto her daddy's shirt collar.....

It's hard to believe that we've gone from this...

{Ilah, one week young, at the pediatrician's office}

To this......

Ilah weighed in at 26.6 lbs {we predicted she would be at least 30 lbs; surprisingly, she wasn't - she sure feels like it though!}; and she is now 30.7 in height. In the 90th percentile for both. We have one healthy little girl!....

Pardon the "hat hair"! Ha ha!!

In the picture below, she might be internally saying, "please help me through these shots Lord!"...

The below picture was before the shots. It's like she knew they were coming and wanted to get the heck outta there!.....

We played with Ilah for a bit until she was seen....

At one point, she must have wanted her daddy to "put a sock in it" - so she did just that.....

Ilah was very interested in reading her progress charts...and wondering just what those little needles were for : (

I always look away when our sweet girl gets her shots. I just can't stomach to watch. Thankfully daddy is always there to hold her hand while I inhale and exhale behind him.

With some love, hugs and kisses, and immediate tlc, daddy made it all better....

Ilah had so much fun time at her birthday party over the weekend!!! I still need to upload all the photos and go through them. I plan to begin my recap posts in a few days.

Also, for those of you who have emailed me...please bare with me as I get around to responding to emails. I've recieved so many in the past few weeks but was so busy tending to getting Ilah's birthday party together. With that now behind me, I'll be making my way through responding to emails!

Hope you had a great day!!

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