
Monday, July 12, 2010

The Time Has Come....Teething

Last night when I heard Ilah's cries come through the monitor, I looked over at the clock and it was 3:16 AM. This has been what our nights have been like for the past few days as a result of our sweet baby girl teething.

For a few months now, Ilah has been chewing on every thing she can get her hands on....

And she's been excessively drooling. All signs that perhaps she was teething. Aside from rubbing her gums, we purchased a good amount of teething rings {some of which I chill}, teething toys, and givig her other things that would hopefully bring some relief to her gums {like putting a damp wash cloth in the freezer/refrigerator and then giving it to her to knaw on for some comfort} - but I think there just comes a point when the temporary satisfaction of those things wear off and just don't "cut it" anymore.

Over the weekend when we went to Babies-R-Us to pick up some necessities for Ilah, I considered getting some fruit/teething mesh bags {known as Baby Safe Feeder}, but then I thought, "am I overbuying?" and I put it back.

I've been hesitant to give Ilah orajel as I've read some things online that make me reluctant {baby's have a hard time using their swallowing relfex if their tongue has become numb from the application of orajel}. I've heard of some mom's giving their baby organic teething biscuits /tablets. I've also read about clove oil. But I'm just as reluctant about trying those things. It's like, "Abracadabra!...Here you go baby. Mommy has whipped up some magic potion for you"! Ha ha!

I hate knowing that Ilah is uncomfortable. Yet I also know that this is an unavoidable growing stage and that it will pass. All Ilah wants is to be held. Today she was especially fussy and just wouldn't stay down for a nap. I've been loving on her all day. Poor baby : ( Ilah's not running a fever - she's just in pain, and letting mommy know it.

Now that Ilah's 2 bottom teeth have poked through {do you see them in the above picture?}, I will soon be taking away those water filled teethers, afraid that she might punture them. Lord knows what solution they are filled with; it may be more than just "water" {?}. So I bought Ilah some of the below teething rings that have bumps and ridges on them that may help with soothing little one's gums. She now has these in addition to a plethora of other things that are hopefully providing her with some relief.

Tomorrow afternoon we go for Ilah's 6 month visit at her Pediatrician's office. I cannot believe that the baby that I feel as though I just had a few weeks ago is now 6 months old {today}.

Here's to hoping that everyone in our house gets a good nights rest tonight - and that the shots don't hurt too much tomorrow!


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