
Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Monday!

I hope everyone had a safe, fun, and relaxing 4th of July! We did!

Our get together on Sunday at our house was lots of fun! We ate, laughed, had great conversations, played was a fun-filled day {pictures to come!}. Speaking of games....I'm looking to buy a few new ones. We love Monopoly, Taboo, Scattergories, and Cranium, which we rotate playing. What are your fav's?

Ilah spent the day with her abuela. My mom cannot get enough of this girl! We went and picked Ilah up a little bit before her bedtime. There were no loud fireworks or firecrackers going off by our house so we all got good sleep : )

Here are a few pictures taken of Ilah yesterday, in one of her 4th of July outfits.....

Today daddy is off of work. We have no agenda for today, which is nice. It will be a simple day of playing with our baby girl, eating leftovers and watching movies!

I hope you have a great day!


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