Each morning, after my mommy has given me a bottle and we have plenty of cuddle time, she puts me in my swing while she gets stuff done around the house and I just love my swing! I've discovered that I can see myself in the overhead mirror that's in the center of my mobile. I get a real kick out of that!....
I also notice that mommy likes to get out the camera a lot to capture the littlest thing that I'm doing - like just sitting here in my swing! Do all mommy's do that?....
Even though my swing is soft and plush, my mommy makes sure that I'm extra warm and cozy in the morning until the downstairs warms up.... It makes me so happy to swing! I get a real kick out of all the shapes hanging from my mobile....I'm really fascinated by how it spins, and that there are sounds coming from it! How does it do that? This thing is pretty neat!....
I've just discovered that I have arms that can reach up high so sometimes I try to hit the little fixtures hanging above my head. It's pretty fun - and I can actually hit them now!
I could just sing! I love this swing so much!...
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