
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Fun Mama-To-Be Facts

As you can see from the pregnancy ticker above, my due date is about 6 weeks away!!!

I've seen other fellow expectant mothers complete the answers to the below questions so I'll hop aboard as well. First, I've uploaded a short video of our little mover-and-shaker! She stops moving about 40 seconds into the video so you really don't need to keep looking beyond that point because she suddenly becomes camera shy - ha!....

How far along? 34 weeks today! We're so close!!

Total weight gain/loss: 16 pound weight gain to date. This would probably be double if it weren't for the TERRIBLE morning sickness that I've had to endure throughout this pregnancy - which caused me to actually lose 18 pounds throughout my first and second trimester.

Maternity clothes? You betchya!

Stretch marks? Not a one. PTL! I hope it stays that way.

Sleep: What sleep? It takes forever to find a comfortable position and doze off...and just when I do...time to go to the bathroom!

Best moment this week: Realizing just how big our little girl is now {at my last visit she weighed 4 lbs, 3 oz ; I have another appt. tomorrow}; her head is positioned down now so she's in place to come on out! In fact, with all the movement she's been doing I'm convinced she's trying to find an exit door!

Movement: Lots! Head and shoulders - knees and toes {and elbows too!} I should also mention that she seems to find her most comfortable spot when she's firmly pressing what feels like the heel of foot against my diaphram. Greatest feeling ever {yeah right!}. The diaphragm is the major muscle of respiration so I feel like I can't breathe when her little foot is ramming it!

Food cravings: The latest...Peanut Butter Cookies. I ate about 15 of them in two days last week! Crykee!!

Gender: Girl! And we made sure again at my 32 week appt : )

Labor Signs: Braxton hicks in all their awkward feeling glory.

Belly Button in or out? It's still in! Shallow, but in.

What I am looking forward to: The day we get to finally see our little girl! Can I just skip the labor and delivery part?

Weekly Wisdom: My mom reminding me to put our mattress cover on our mattress in case my water breaks in the middle of the night - we definitately don't want anything leaking through!

Milestone: Hospital bags are packed, pre-registration forms have gone to the hospital, car-seat and stroller is put together, all other baby essentials have been purchased, nursery is nearly completed, and nesting is in full swing!

* * * * * * * * * * *

As I've mentioned in an earlier post, I am not one to delve into any store for Black Friday sales. Getting up at "O-Dark-30" to brave the madness just isn't my cup of tea. Not even a great glider that was half off at Babies-R-Us could get me {to commit my husband!} to go. But Friday evening I was itching to get out of the house for some fresh air, so for kicks we stopped into Babies-R-Us to see if {by chance} the glider and ottoman {that was on sale for an unbelievable price of just $149 for both!} were still in stock. The gliders were lined up with pretty red bows on them that said, "Special sale from 5 am - 1 pm only". Although it was nearly 7 p.m. I asked if the special was still being honored. As it turned out, they in fact were still honoring the deal, and even though the one I wanted was no longer in stock for immediate take home, they ordered it for us and we will have it in a week. Score!! I feel bad for those people that got up at 5 a.m. thinking that was the only opportunity they had to get one of these glider/ottoman combos at that great price. What a marketing ploy. I would have been bitter!

Here is a picture of the glider/ottoman that we got. It matches the color scheme in the nursery beautifully. I can't wait to rock our little girl in it!


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