
Monday, January 3, 2011

New Years in Savannah!

We spent New Years in Savannah this year and as I said in my last post, I just love it there. I fell in love with the city on my first visit there and I can't get enough of it's old world classic charm. This trip was a bit different than all the others because this time we had a baby in tow! We have traveled with Ilah by plane before, but this was her first long car drive somewhere and although she is a good baby {that may be the last time I use her name and the word "baby" in the same sentence since she's turning 1 in a few weeks!}, I still wondered how the long car ride {about 4 hrs} would go. Ilah did great!! Both going and coming back home. She actually slept about 3 out of the 4 hours. Awesome!!

During our stay in Savannah we stayed at The Mansion on Forsyth Park, a four-diamond luxury hotel located in the historic district, which has been named one of the top 100 hotels in the US.

Ilah was a great traveler, but not really a great sleeper. That was kinda to be expected. Thankfully she went down just fine every night but she woke up at 4:30 a.m. both nights we were there and got up about three more times from then on. She went right back to sleep though after she was rocked for about 5 minutes. So, it wasn't that bad, but it was still choppy sleep for all of us. That was kinda to be expected though since Ilah was in a new environment and wasn't sleeping in her own crib. She woke for the day around 8:30 a.m. so that wasn't too early.

One night we ordered room service kinda late {around 9:30 p.m.} and it was hilarious trying to eat quietly, nearly in the dark {the tv being the only source of light, and it was turned down extremely low} trying not to wake up our baby! My how times have changed!

Ilah loved the hotel's bed just as much as she loves ours at home. This is her right after she woke up one morning....

Look at that bed head! Ha ha!

A bottle in an oh-so-comfy bed. Heaven!

A "vacation" with a baby is a "somewhat vacation". Naturally you still take with you the every day responsibilities even though you are away from home. For us, the carefree mentality that we once had when traveling now has to be adjusted accordingly. We don't have to forgo spontaneity all together - we just have to keep Ilah in mind along the way. My husband is a very hands-on father {and has been since the day Ilah was born} and I am incredibly blessed by how attentive he is - to the both of us. Throughout this trip, we naturally fell into a groove of taking turns getting up with Ilah throughout the night/morning, feeding her while in the hotel and out at restaurants, changing her diaper wherever we may be, taking her in and out of the carseat/the stroller, playing with her and showing her things, etc. I have a wonderful partner and I know it.

We headed out each morning to make the most of every day that we were there. I just love looking at the beautiful architecture of the buildings.

Ilah kinda had this look on her face like, "Where are we??". Ha ha!

I loved strolling our girl through a city that we can't get enough of.

"Ahh, I know you!"....

We had breakfast at The Hilton which was near our hotel. They had a brunch there the day after New Years Eve. I can really see in the below picture of Ilah with her daddy, just how big she is getting!

Dele and I have probably been to Savannah about eight times together. I would always see couples with their little ones - taking pictures, walking through the squares, having ice-cream....and I dreamed about the day that would be us. And now there we were...our little family of three.

I know that many people set New Years Resolutions and write out the things that they want to accomplish in the new year - whether it be just one thing, or several. I've never done that. While although I love what a new year represents, I have never seen New Years as a time to set goals and aim to see it through. I figure at any point during the year I can start making a change. Instead, I have used New Years as time to "name my year". I probably started this ten years ago, when I was single. And while although some may perceive this as still setting a goal, I feel that it goes much deeper than that.

I have named 2011 "The year of Awakening". Awakening the child of God within me, awakening some passions of mine that have been laying dormant, awakening the areas of my life that have been asleep. Awakening a softer side of me. More than anything, I'm craving a spiritual awakening that will draw me closer to my Heavenly Father and allow me to know Him in a greater sense of the word, through His word.

Again, Happy New Year!! I hope that this year brings an ubundant amount of blessings for all of you!!

If you haven't already seen the post below, please let me know if you are a reader that lives in, or near, Atlanta!! : )

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