
Monday, February 21, 2011

Additional Giveaway Winners!!

I hope you all had a great weekend! As for me...I was layed out sick all weekend so there's no exciting recap to give {although I did manage to do a post on Ilah's 13 Month Milestones; see post below}. I was hoping to be on the mend, and back to my normal self, but no such luck. My husband on the other hand started feeling much better by mid-day Saturday and he was very hands on with Ilah this weekend and just told me to stay in bed and rest - and that's exactly what I did. It helped...but I can't wait to be back to feeling 100%.

Some exciting news for those of you who entered the last giveaway that I did on the book "Love and Respect for a Lifetime".....

I contacted the company and let them know how much each of your responses really touched me and kindly asked if they would be willing to extend 2 additional free copies of the book for me to giveaway and they graciously said yes! So the additional winners of the giveaway are....


Ladies, please email me at with your contact info!!

Not a bad way to start a Monday morning, is it?! Hope you ALL have a great day!!


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